We’ve got you covered.
What time are your services? How long are they?
Sunday School begins at 9am and the Worship Service starts at 10am. The worship service usually lasts around an hour and fifteen minutes.
What do I do when I walk in?
If you have children 3rd grade or younger, stop at the check-in kiosk and we'll get you and your child all set for their worship experience. After being checked in, kids two years old & younger can go to the nursery. Kids ages 3 & older start in the service with you and are dismissed to Children's Church prior to the start of the sermon. If you'd rather keep your kids with you for the duration of the service - that's fine! We're a family at Village.
If you don't have kids with you, head on into the sanctuary and grab a bulletin on your way in. You'll find lots of friendly faces, so if you have any questions, just ask.
What should I wear?
You'll find everything from jeans and t-shirts to suits and dresses. Whether you dress casual or more formal - it doesn't matter to us. Business casual tends to be the majority.
Do you make visitors stand or do anything weird?
Nope! All we ask is that you fill out a Connection Card so we can follow up with you later. You can bring that to the Welcome kiosk in the foyer (we have a gift for you!) or if you'd rather, simply drop it in the offering basket as it passes by.
Speaking of the offering I expected to give?
As a visitor, we do not expect you to contribute to the offering. Simply pass the basket on to the person next to you. Our members give an offering as an act of worship and to support the ministry of Village. You can participate as you feel led.
I've got a question that wasn't answered here. Can I talk to someone?
Sure! Give our church office a call at 630.851.4120 or send us an email at We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.